Helping Women Reclaim & Connect to Their Whole Selves

You’re the one holding up the world and holding it altogether…and you don’t have to.

If you’re feeling…

  • As if something is missing from your life, but can’t put your finger on it…
  • Like you’ve lost yourself after years of taking care of others…
  • Disconnected & exhausted from ignoring your own needs…
  • Or maybe you’re wondering if it’s too late to create the life you want to live…

I want you to know this: You most certainly don’t have to go it alone.

Going it alone leaves you feeling disconnected from who you truly are. I’m here to support you in connecting to yourself…your whole Self…for this is the key to feeling more alive, empowered, & fully expressed.

Within the sacred spaces I hold, you have permission to put down all you’ve been carrying for so, so long.

Free JOURNEY TO SELF Guided Meditation & Journal


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I invite you now to place your hand on your heart wherever you are, take a deep breath and ask yourself, 

What would it feel like to…

  • Ground deeply into fertile EARTH,
  • Live more in BODY and less in anxious thinking,
  • Access and express my EMOTIONS,
  • Know and claim my deepest desires, my SOUL beckoning,
  • Reconnect to my FEMININITY, my RADIANCE,
  • TUNE INTO and TRUST my inner GPS,
  • LOVE myself and others imperfectly,
  • RECLAIM what I’ve suppressed or dismissed,
  • BEFRIEND all parts of myself, even the unwanted,
  • EMBRACE the messiness and mystery of my life,
  • Connect to SPIRIT, to SOURCE for guidance,
  • Surround myself with SISTERS where I can show up as messy ME,
  • BE WITNESSED and HELD by other awakening women?

Now IMAGINE yourself walking this journey at your own pace, and your relationship to yourself shifting in ways you never thought possible.

This is the journey I welcome you to step onto.

Along this journey you may discover something you didn’t know was even missing, like a creativity that was squashed as a child, or your child within who needs to be seen and heard, or a sensuality that had gone numb from a life of body shame.

Walking with me means stepping into a life of authenticity, passion and meaning, not to mention the incredible circles of women available to walk beside you.

It’s never too late to live the unlived life.

Your life is too precious to wait a moment longer.

Embark on this journey with me and build a new relationship with yourself!

Your first bold step could be grabbing a cup of tea and sitting down for a chat with me.

About Karen

I’m the founder of Open Heart Healing, and I’ve been holding sacred space for women to journey towards their whole selves for almost 20 years. Beginning as a yoga & meditation teacher and currently as a certified life coach, women’s circle facilitator, retreat leader, Reiki practitioner, and certified JourneyDance guide, I am dedicated to supporting women in their quest to feel more alive, connected and whole.

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